
I chose to see small things
as a reminder of hidden worlds. 

I chose to see them at a time
when smallness was terrifying. 

And to see them again,
when snow dusts that normative seasonal
calmness that makes being here feel safe.

The tomatoes have been growing for as long as my daughter has been in this world. They are pale and cold now, because our attention is on plastic butterflies and top teeth.

They can be pale. 

Because they are.

There is space for growth here.

When Things Weren’t Calm

When Things Weren’t Calm 1.

When Things Weren’t Calm 2.

When Things Weren’t Calm 3.

When Things Weren’t Calm 4.

When Things Weren’t Calm 5.

When Things Weren’t Calm 6.

When Things Weren’t Calm 7.

I wrote an artist statement but erased it because it was contrived.

Meghan Lindsay

Meghan Lindsay is a Canadian opera singer, creator, and researcher. She has performed to critical acclaim in Canada and internationally, with highlights including The Harris Theatre Chicago, Opera Atelier, Odyssey Opera Boston, The Royal Opera Versailles, The Glimmerglass Festival, Carnegie Hall, and Het Concertgebouw Amsterdam. She is a Dora nominated artist; an Editor with Newest Contemporary Art Magazine; and a Research Fellow with the Agnes Etherington Arts Centre at Queen’s University. As a Co-Founder of the interdisciplinary artist collective New Art/New Media, Meghan has co-produced and performed in works with CLUB SAW Ottawa, Ottawa Chamberfest, and The Newest Magazine. In their 2021 season, New Art/New Media has commissioned three new pieces of chamber music and is producing a four-part digital series on interdisciplinary collaboration in Canada.


Meghan is a PhD Candidate in Cultural Studies where her doctoral research examines lives at the intersection of cultural policy, affect theory, and labour studies. She has been a MITACS Research Fellow for the Toronto City Diplomacy Initiative; a research fellow with the North American Cultural Diplomacy Initative; a core Researcher on ‘Being Together’- a project investigating audience perspectives on theatre participation.